Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Rosalind of Pippa Nixon

Pippa Nixon does fine work as Rosalind, and this role is simply not as easy as it may seem.  To get close to Orlando, ably played by Alex Waldmann, whom she loves, she pretends to be the young man Ganymede.  There is a delightful veneer of buddy-buddy between Rosalind and Orlando in this scene, and as the actress inside the actress Nixon makes this happen.  We can see the increasing joy on Rosalind's face, as her pretense is clearly working.  Orlando takes the bait, that is, and in a bit of playacting agrees to woo Ganymede as if "he" were Rosalind.  Which of course she is Rosalind.

What makes "As You Like It" even more of an intriguing study of gender and identity is that in Shakespeare's time, female roles were played by teenage boys.  The complexity of the role becomes even more delicious, you see:  We have a young man, playing a woman, who is pretending to be a young man, who playacts as a woman, counseling another man on how to court a woman!

In any case, a bang-up job by Nixon.

Reference:  Character Analysis of Rosalind (Ganymede)

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